Monday, March 23, 2009

Sham Rockin' at the Beach

We had some great weather this weekend at Virginia Beach in which I took part in the Shamrock Half Marathon and my wife had a work conference to attend. I'd live there if I could afford it.

Monday, March 2, 2009

Snow Dog!

This has instantly become my favorite photo of my dog. His smile says it all about how he feels about snow!

10 inches and counting!

It's been quite a while since I've seen a good snow fall. So there's good reason to be excited about 10 inches or so of snow in Richmond, Va., today. On top of a snow day from work, my dog loves it, my wife from snow-filled Ohio loves it and it finally proves what I've been trying to tell my in-laws for years - it does snow in Virginia!! I'm looking forward to heading out for a run later in this mess.

Duke does his usual snow roll!

Sunday, March 1, 2009

Right in the kisser

When winter and spring collide

With up and down temperatures in February, some flowers started showing their colors a tad early, only to shutter during today's snow.